As home inspectors, we are often confronted with architectural peculiarities on homes. Often times we are left wondering what we are looking at.
So today we came across a feature on a house in Francestown, New Hampshire known as “Beverly Jog.” I would describe the portion of the home as simply an addition to the original home with a shed roof. But upon researching the house, which is listed on the historic registry, I came to discover that the structure has a name.
A “Beverly Jog” as it is known, is pretty much as I described it. It’s an addition to a home. Usually for the purpose of providing a new interior staircase to an upper level floor. Often times, the structure is designed to have a similar roof and outer appearance to the rest of the home. But it undoubtedly juts out from the home, hence being called a “jog.”
Note that if the house has a Gambrel roof, it is sometimes referred to as a “jut-by.”
It seems to be a feature primarily found in homes located in our region of New England. The name is believed to have been first coined in the town of Beverly, Massachusetts. And they appear to be primarily added to Georgian style homes.
If you are curious to see some images, do a Google search for Beverly Jog and check them out!