Spring Has Sprung: The Snow is Finally Melting Outside, but What is Happening in Your Attic?


There is no better sight after a long New England winter than the first blade of grass growing up out of the last patches of snow in your yard.  We welcome the littlest signs of spring, but with the spring can come a great deal of moisture. You definitely want to make sure that your attic is moisture free come April showers, because any wetness in your attic can cause a lot of stress and costly repairs throughout your house.  There are many possible reasons why your attic may have moisture and many of them may be hidden. Even if your ceiling isn’t leaking and you see no water seeping into your home from above, don’t be fooled into thinking that there are no issues in your attic. Make sure to check for all possible culprits in your attic that could cause damage now or down the road.   You always want to protect yourself from costly repairs and major damage.

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Icicles Can be a Sign of Danger! Ice Damming can Lead to Serious Damage!


As a child growing up in New Hampshire one of my favorite parts of winter was the beautiful icicles that would form on the gutters of my house. I was convinced that Jack Frost had left them just for me. Not only did I love the way they sparkled in the sun, but I would wait with great anticipation for them to fall off the roof so that I could have an icy treat. Little did I know then that they could be a sign of trouble to come. Not only could the larger ones fall and hurt someone, but they could be a precursor to ice damming on the roof. As a child you don’t think of all the dangers and damage that could be caused by those lovely prisms of ice, but as an adult and a home owner they are something to be feared.

What is an Ice Dam?

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