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During COVID-19 we are doing everything we can to keep you safe. We have implemented a no-contact inspection order which means we will do inspections as normal but instead of meeting at the property, our inspector(s) will be the only ones on site. Thank you for your patience and stay safe.

Is Your Heating System Safe?

Learn why your chimney, stove, or other solid fuel-burning appliance should be regularly cleaned, maintained, and inspected to keep your home and family safe.

solid fuel-burning appliance

Fall is just around the corner and as the temperatures continue to drop, many of us are looking forward to spending warm and cozy evenings by the hearth. Whether you’re using coal, wood, or wood pellets to heat your home, it’s important that your chimney, stove, or other solid fuel-burning appliance is regularly cleaned, maintained, and inspected. If not, you could putting your home and family at risk. 

Wood and Other Solid Fuel-Burning Appliances Can Present Hazards

When wood and other fuels burn, they cause creosote to build up in your chimney. Because creosote is highly flammable and combustible, if too much builds up, it can cause a fire. Chimney fires occur at an alarming rate in our country, with over 25,000 taking place each year.

Certain conditions can accelerate creosote buildup:

  • Improper installation or ventilation.
  • Drastic changes in burning temperature.
  • Burning unseasoned wood.

Importance of Annual Cleanings and Inspections for Solid Fuel-Burning Appliances

While many people burn wood and other solid fuels to reduce their energy costs, others do so because of the joy and comfort they bring to a home. “A lot of people see burning wood and other solid fuels as somewhat of a lost ‘art,’” says David Cassavaugh, owner of Advanced Home Inspection of NH. However, David says many people forget that solid fuel-burning appliances need routine cleaning and maintenance.

To prevent a chimney fire, the Chimney Safety Institute of America (CSIA) recommends that any solid fuel venting system be annually inspected and cleaned, with repairs done as needed.

Cassavaugh recommends that homeowners have their fireplaces, wood stoves, and other solid fuel-burning appliances cleaned and inspected each year by a licensed professional.

Fall is a Great Time to Test Your Heating System

Whether you warm your home with solid fuel, gas, or electricity, fall is a great time to test your heating system to ensure it’s working safely and efficiently all winter long. Contact the professionals at Advanced Home Inspection today.

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